Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Venus Conspiracy!

The most recent conspiracy theory about NASA is the Venus conspiracy. Many conspiracy theory groups believe both NASA and the media are hiding information about the planet Venus. A UFO hunter discovered a strange 'band' stretching across the surface of Venus. The anomaly was captured by Japan's Venus-orbiting spacecraft called Akatsuki. Allegedly, scientists are baffled by the band as well. Some people have suggested that it could be a gravity wave, however, most of the conspiracy theorists dismiss this idea claiming gravity waves are much smaller and sometimes dissipate after only a few days or even hours. Why would the government and the mainstream media hide the truth about Venus? Conspiracy theorists think it has to do with aliens.

There have been other NASA conspiracy theories over the last few years. Of course, most people have heard of the Moon landing hoax theory. But, many people are unaware of the flat Earth conspiracy and the Pluto fraud theory.

There are some people that believe the Earth is flat and world governments have conspired to keep this information from people for reasons that are unclear but a few claim it's financial. Unfortunately, none of them seem to want to expand on what is being gained financially or otherwise from it. Flat Earthers, as they call themselves, believe Antarctica is a wall of ice surrounding a disc-shaped Earth with the Arctic Circle in the center. There is even a Flat Earth Society. They also claim that NASA employees are guarding this ice wall to prevent people from climbing over it. This may sound like a joke but there are even celebrities that believe in this conspiracy theory.

The Pluto fraud theory is basically that Pluto doesn't actually exist. Conspiracy theorists claim NASA has fabricated images of Pluto as well as faked the Pluto New Horizons mission. They believe the NASA photos are computer generated and that NASA also uses holograms. The main reason conspiracy theorists believe the US government and NASA are lying is to hide evidence of aliens, alien structures and working with those aliens to take over the world.

It won't come as a surprise to some people that the majority of these types of conspiracy theories are part of the bigger conspiracy picture called the Illuminati. Whether or not you believe any of this, Human beings, in general, tend to pick and choose what is real or not real based on their own personal belief system. Your reality is very different from your friend's and neighbor's reality. As for Venus and Pluto being actual planets, I doubt I'll be visiting them anytime soon to give you the answer.

Written by MH

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