Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Man is Turning Himself Into a Genderless Alien!

A 22-year-old man from Los Angeles, named Vinnie Ohh, has decided to become a ''sexless, genderless Alien.'' So far, he has spent $50,000 on cosmetic surgery, for skin and facial procedures, and plans to spend much more. This ''make-up artist'' intends to have his nipples, belly button, and genitals removed which will cost around $150,000. Which begs the first question, where does a 22-year-old make-up artist get over $200,000? 

Vinnie Ohh stated, “I don’t see why I shouldn’t have my genitals completely removed and have nothing down there.” I can think of one important reason, how will you urinate? It's not clear if he plans to carry around a urine bag on his side for the rest of his life or just wants a hole at the base of the urethra. I'm guessing he hasn't thought about that and it seems not one journalist has asked. Mr. Ohh has already appeared on at least two different reality TV shows and has done numerous television interviews. 

During one television interview, Vinnie said the following: ''I had this rebellious vibe to be like I'm a freak, I'm a weirdo." He continued: "Then people came up to me and said I look like an alien so I have adopted it." He went on to say that he didn't think he would ever regret his procedures.

Mr. Ohh claims that ''Some people have said they want their kids to be like me.'' I seriously doubt parents are hoping their children one day pay a stranger to distort various parts of their body and hack off appendages just because they want attention. I imagine in his delusions he may actually believe what he says. It's pathetic to think there are doctors out there that disregard their Oath to 'do no harm' for the almighty dollar rather than insist a young person like Vinnie obtains a psychiatric evaluation before agreeing to such extreme body mutilation. 

Written by MH

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