Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Illuminati Card Game's Trump Predictions!

Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy was released in 1995, and is said to have predicted 9/11 and Princess Diana's death. Now, conspiracy theorists, who believe the game's creator Steve Jackson foretold world events with the cards, claim one of them warns of Trump's assassination at the hands of the Illuminati. 

The Illuminati conspiracy theory revolves around an alleged secret society that actually runs all global governments from behind the scenes and is slowly implementing a so-called New World Order, that will culminate in a global leadership. The theory varies in extremities, including the Illuminati being a highly Satanic cult that intends returning the devil to Earth. 

Conspiracy theorists disagree on Trump's alleged role with the Illuminati. Some claim he is a senior member, while others claim he is a maverick outsider who has outraged them by making it into the White House. Either way, according to the cards, the Illuminati is going to...CONTINUE READING 

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