Paranormal, Cryptids, Extraterrestrials, Supernatural, Weird World News & Events
Monday, July 31, 2017
100-Year-Old Prophecy Predicts Trump Downfall!
Donald Trump will be the last US President according to a more than 100-year-old prophecy claimed to predict his downfall. Conspiracy theorists have rediscovered a series of books which they claim chart the downfall of the Trump presidency – and his expose his family’s links to time travel.
The text though seems to predict the downfall of the president will begin when there is a “dawnless day” in the US. Passages predict civil unrest, claiming the “Fifth Avenue hotel” will be the first to “feel the fury of the mob.” Shockingly, Trump Tower is on the corner of Fifth Avenue in New York, and...CONTINUE READING
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Robots to Cure Leukemia?
Tiny machines will soon be using our veins and vessels as a motorway controlled by powerful magnets to infiltrate every corner of our bodies. Swimming at 10 micrometers per second, the team discovered a front crawl type stroke was the most effective. Magnetic arms propel the bots forward as a magnetic field controls their direction. The bots were challenged to swim in a more viscous liquid than water, mimicking a variety of body fluids.
Preparing the tiny warriors for the inside of the human body, the machines were still able to swim but their pace was halved to around 5.5 micrometers per second. Eric Diller, a microbot researcher at the University of Toronto, said: “It's exciting due to its speed and its really small size, just about the same size as a blood vessel. "It's small enough basically to...CONTINUE READING
Friday, July 28, 2017
29 Creepy Baby Monitor Images!
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Mummified Alien Has Eggs Inside It?!
An alleged mummified alien corpse supposedly found inside an ancient tomb in Peru had eggs inside it, it has astonishingly been claimed. Researchers investigating the alleged discovery of several alleged mummified aliens also claim to have now found a corpse that appears to be a baby.
Yesterday, revealed the first pictures of what is alleged to be a secret tomb where several mummified aliens were found in Peru., the paranormal website behind the outlandish claims that at least five mummified aliens have been found buried in Nazca, Peru, has released a video revealing claims CT scans on one of the "mummified creatures" have shown it has three eggs inside it. continues to release videos and...CONTINUE READING
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Humans Do Have a Six Sense!
In 2014, the Office of Naval Research began a four year research program, costing approximately four million dollars, to examine premonition and intuition. These types of phenomena are referred to as parapsychology (psi), often dubbed as pseudoscience within the mainstream.
Not many people are aware of the fact that a number of publications have been published for decades showing statistically significant results. In 1999, a statistics professor at UC Irvine published a paper showing that parapsychological experiments have produced much stronger results than those showing a daily dose of aspirin helps prevent a heart attack. She also showed that these results are much stronger than...CONTINUE READING
Monday, July 24, 2017
Inside Peruvian Tomb of Mummified Aliens!
These are the first pictures of what is alleged to be the secret tomb where several mummified aliens were found in Peru., the paranormal website behind outlandish claims that at least five mummified aliens have been found buried in Nazca, Peru, released a new video revealing the images inside the alleged tomb and the identity of the man said to have found them.
The film said a man called Mario was the explorer said to have stumbled across the remains in a tomb in an undisclosed part of the Peruvian region. The disclosure came after scientists and the Peruvian World Congress on Mummy Studies released statements saying they believed the creatures were...CONTINUE READING
Friday, July 21, 2017
Woman Sacrifices Child to The 'Wolfman'!
A mother accused of murdering her toddler daughter had talked about slitting her throat as a sacrifice to a “Wolfman” so she could be with aliens, a court has heard. The woman, who was introduced to the Wicca religion and hallucinogenic drugs, believed she needed to slit the child’s throat for a frightening creature she called the Wolfman, it was claimed. Otherwise, benevolent aliens would she wanted to be with would not take her home, a friend of hers told the Newcastle Supreme Court, in New South Wales, Australia.
The 44-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is on trial for the crime after pleading not guilty to murdering the toddler between Christmas 2000 and Christmas 2001. Michelle Hanlon told the court she stayed with the accused at a Central Coast house in the mid-1990s and introduced her to the Pagan "Wicca" religion — a form of white witchcraft.The witness said both women would...CONTINUE READING
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
UFO Seen Seconds Before Power Outage!
Thousands of people reported power cuts online with streetlights, televisions and radios turning off momentarily. Reports of house lights flickering and wifi connectivity cutting off were also being shared by thousands of worried people in Australia’s Northern Territory. One person commented online: “We saw a shooting star streak across the sky just before the power cut out.”
The bizarre sighting came just days after it was announced a massive eruption on the sun could wreak havoc on electrical systems on Earth. And claims of the shooting star just moments before the dramatic outage has caused many to speculate about the cause. “TV and communications could be related to solar activity – but what’s strange is all of these reports of what people are calling ‘a shooting star’,” YouTube UFO hunter SecureTeam10 said. “I really don’t know how that could have any effect on the power grid.'' “People saw something flying through the sky and then suddenly...CONTINUE READING
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Mind Blowing 500-Year-Old Map of Antarctica!
An incredible map drawn more than 500 years ago appears to show the coast of Antarctica ice-free. The map, drawn on gazelle skin, remained intact until it was discovered in 1929 at the library in the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul. Experts analyzed the diagram and realized it portrayed an accurate depiction of the world.
But Gustav Deissmann, the German theologian who discovered it, was baffled by Antarctica, Sputnik reports. It appears to show an ice-free continent – but all geological references suggest it has been iced over for millions of years. The map has given credence to a number of conspiracy theories suggesting...CONTINUE READING
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Is Saturn's Moon an Alien Craft?
Saturn's mysterious moon Iapetus is an alien ‘death star’ created by an intelligent extra-terrestrial civilization, according to conspiracy theorists.Scientists are still baffled by how Iapetus – the third largest of Saturn’s 62 moons – formed, as it does not seem to show similar formation patterns to the other ringed planet’s lunar satellites such as Titan and Rhea.
An image taken by Nasa’s unmanned Cassini spacecraft in 2004 shows a line that stretched around the entire moon, leading to theories that it was once two metallic structures that had been welded together. The shape of the moon is eerily similar to that of the Death Star in Star Wars with some suggesting that movie makers have been slowly feeding the public information. Conspiracy theory channel...CONTINUE READING
Friday, July 14, 2017
Alien Abductees Were Warned About Trump!
People allegedly abducted by aliens were warned by ETs that "something bad was coming" during the US presidential election campaign last year, it has shockingly been claimed. Yvonne Smith, a hypnotherapist and UFO researcher, told a conference so-called alien abductees "hold the key to advancing humanity" and "receive warnings from aliens."
She told the annual Roswell UFO festival in New Mexico she has worked with people allegedly abducted by intelligent beings from outer space for 25 years, reports. However, she said that far from being sinister, the aliens were doing it to warn them...CONTINUE READING
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Mysterious Black Rings Appear Across the Globe!
A number of mysterious black rings have appeared in the sky around the world – with some predicting an alien invasion. Baffled eyewitnesses have reported seeing the bizarre circles in several incidents over the past two months. The latest phenomena was spotted in the UK on Sunday afternoon near Birkenshaw, West Yorks, on the M62. The circle resembled a giant smoke ring but West Yorkshire Fire Service said there had been no reports of a fire. The Met Office also confirmed the ring also did not appear to be weather-related.
Kimberley Robinson, 22, took the snap and said: “It looked a bit smokey but the shape was as solid ring. “We hadn’t ever seen anything like this before so we have looked into it and no one knows what it is.” Locals in Novosibirsk, central Russia, also reported the terrifying sight before it disappeared into the clouds. One witness, going by the name of Marina Marina, said...CONTINUE READING
Monday, July 10, 2017
Mummified Alien Creature to be Tested!
Researchers have claimed this image, taken from a new online video preview, could be a genuine mummified alien being. The small humanoid-shaped object is said to be the latest in a number of suspected alien mummies found in a tomb in Nazca, Peru.
Last month reported on claims a three-fingered "non-human corpse," now known as Maria to the research team, had been unearthed in the historic area. Now, it has sensationally been claimed there are a number of alien bodies, including different species, that were found in the same tomb. UFO investigators are said to now have access to the sort of "alien bodies" supposedly held by the US Government, according to various...CONTINUE READING
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Proof of Chemtrails?!
Outstanding images showing an enormous contrail billowing from the jets of a Boeing 787 have led to claims it could be proof of the so-called chemtrail conspiracy theory. A striking video of the contrail was taken from another plane while the Boeing 787 was flying at 33,000 feet above the east coast of Russia.
The Chemtrails conspiracy theory is one of the most supported on Earth and counted the late pop legend Prince among its high-profile advocates. At its most bizarre extreme, it is believed the contrails which form behind jet aircraft are actually streams of toxic “mind-control” chemicals, which dilute before they reach the ground, leaving a gas we breathe in that keeps the general population in check. But there are a growing number of chemtrail believers, who claim the conspiracy is actually a secret...CONTINUE READING
Friday, July 7, 2017
Leaders Make Illuminati Signs at G20!
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Donald Trump may have inadvertently piqued the interest of conspiracy theorists. The pair were both snapped today at the global talks in Hamburg making what has been described as "secret Illuminati hand signs" in the presence of other key world leaders.
Mrs Merkel and Mr Trump were pictured separately with several presidents and prime ministers making the "diamond" sign in full view of the world's media. The German chancellor is known for making her infamous "diamond" hand sign, which has been branded of masonic-style and a symbol of the alleged Illuminati by conspiracy theorists. However, it is believed to be the first time Donald Trump has been snapped doing it. It is alleged by believers of the Illuminati that it is...CONTINUE READING
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Human Beings Are Immortal!
A new Tory MEP, who is fascinated by UFOs, ghosts and all things paranormal, has been a key tutor for a US-based online university set up by a church that apparently believes reality is an illusion and all human beings are immortal. Rupert Matthews, 55, from Surrey, was appointed to fill the vacant Conservative MEP seat for the East Midlands after the former holder Andrew Lewer became an MP.
Mr Matthews has written and published a series of books on the paranormal, including about ghosts, UFOs, and alien abductions, through his limited company Bretwalda Books. He has also written history books and tutored a course called ‘Understanding Our Paranormal Universe’ for the International Metaphysical University, based in West Virginia. He has reportedly left the tutor position, after taking up the MEP post last month, however, his details and that of his course remained on the website today.
According to its website, the IMU is the "educational arm" and a ministry of the International Metaphysical Churches (IMC), started in 2001 by Deborah Lindsey and Joseph Fielder, in West Virginia. According to the IMU website, the IMC believes in something called...CONTINUE READING
Monday, July 3, 2017
Best & Worst Paranormal TV Shows 2017-UPDATED!
Ghosts in The Hood is the fresh and newest edition of paranormal television shows. Ghosts In The Hood is by far the most entertaining show within the ghost hunting genre. It's not only hilarious but also intelligent, down to Earth and a breath of fresh air. The cast of five mesh well and each member is personable and funny. Maunda sums up my thoughts perfectly with her observation during an investigation ''It's kinda like a spooky telenovela.''
If you missed the first six episodes, you are not alone. WE network, which aired Ghosts In The Hood, made little effort in marketing and promotion to kick off the network trying out some paranormal programming.
The network was obviously looking to pull the audience away from Ghost Brothers as well as target an entirely new demographic. However, the Thursday night time slot made little to no sense. Both Ghost Adventures and Ghost Brothers were airing reruns, Fridays and Saturdays, when GITH debuted. So, Ghosts In The Hood could have easily gained a much larger audience had it been aired on the proper day and time. At the time of this publishing, there is no word on a season 2. Hopefully, if WEtv does not renew this show, another network will pick it up. It's just that good.
If you missed the first six episodes, you are not alone. WE network, which aired Ghosts In The Hood, made little effort in marketing and promotion to kick off the network trying out some paranormal programming.
The network was obviously looking to pull the audience away from Ghost Brothers as well as target an entirely new demographic. However, the Thursday night time slot made little to no sense. Both Ghost Adventures and Ghost Brothers were airing reruns, Fridays and Saturdays, when GITH debuted. So, Ghosts In The Hood could have easily gained a much larger audience had it been aired on the proper day and time. At the time of this publishing, there is no word on a season 2. Hopefully, if WEtv does not renew this show, another network will pick it up. It's just that good.
Ghost Brothers arrived on the scene in 2016 with a not-so-subtle marketing ploy of the first all African-American cast which, of course, is stereotypically terrified of the supernatural and hang out in a barbershop. Unfortunately, despite the hyped up comedic relief promoting, the jokes felt forced and the scenes too staged. Poor editing was another issue, of season 1, which highlighted the overly staged scenes and dialog.
Ghost Brothers has just wrapped up its season 2, which was very disappointing. All of the problems with season 1 have been magnified instead of remedied. One major issue is the editing which has gone from bad to laughable. At least one episode listed as ''new'' for season 2 was actually shown in season 1. Another episode shows the same footage of Dalen walking into a building twice at different times during the show. Continuity doesn't seem to be in the vocabulary of the producers. They've also added a new ridiculous factor by using that absurd 'stick figure' mapping device (Kinect), which is popular on Ghost Adventures. And, the guys are still forcing their jokes but now they do it while wearing hot pink shoes and skinny Capri pants.
Ghost Brothers has just wrapped up its season 2, which was very disappointing. All of the problems with season 1 have been magnified instead of remedied. One major issue is the editing which has gone from bad to laughable. At least one episode listed as ''new'' for season 2 was actually shown in season 1. Another episode shows the same footage of Dalen walking into a building twice at different times during the show. Continuity doesn't seem to be in the vocabulary of the producers. They've also added a new ridiculous factor by using that absurd 'stick figure' mapping device (Kinect), which is popular on Ghost Adventures. And, the guys are still forcing their jokes but now they do it while wearing hot pink shoes and skinny Capri pants.
Kindred Spirits premiered in October of 2016. You may have recognized the two-person cast from the days of Ghost Hunters on SyFy. According to Jason Hawes, Amy Bruni and Adam Berry were indeed fired from GH despite Bruni's repeated denials. The focus of Kindred Spirits seems to be private homes with children. Nearly every episode involves Adam's 'OMG, I'm so shocked' face in a cafe, Amy sitting in a library to 'research' and both assuming the haunting is the ghost of someone that died miles away from the actual haunted location. Well, that makes sense right? The show has also featured known fraud Chip Coffey.
Kindred Spirits has now been renewed for another season, returning in Sept. I have no idea why unless the network wants to torture us with two of the dullest people in 'reality tv' history. There is nothing interesting or entertaining about this show. If you have insomnia or the desire to become an alcoholic, I highly recommend playing Kindred Spirits on a loop.
Kindred Spirits has now been renewed for another season, returning in Sept. I have no idea why unless the network wants to torture us with two of the dullest people in 'reality tv' history. There is nothing interesting or entertaining about this show. If you have insomnia or the desire to become an alcoholic, I highly recommend playing Kindred Spirits on a loop.
Ghost Asylum has been around since 2014. The gimmick of Ghost Asylum is to capture a spirit in odd and sometimes silly homemade cages. One of the first episodes featured a trap made out of chicken wire. I doubt I was the only person that hurt themselves laughing while watching. If you're a religious fanatic and enjoy watching a buff guy in a tight shirt walk around saying ''Was that you?'' over and over, this is your show.
Destination America has given the Ghost Asylum boys another show called Haunted Towns. This is obviously a carbon copy of Nick Groff's Ghosts Of Shepherdstown. Let's hope the boys do a better job than Nick and Elizabeth and forego the fakery. Haunted Towns begins in Aug 2017.
Another new paranormal show on the Destination America channel is called Terror In The Woods. It seems to be exactly as the title states. Eyewitnesses share their encounters with ghosts, monsters, and other terrifying phenomena. Terror In The Woods begins Sept 2017.
Destination America has given the Ghost Asylum boys another show called Haunted Towns. This is obviously a carbon copy of Nick Groff's Ghosts Of Shepherdstown. Let's hope the boys do a better job than Nick and Elizabeth and forego the fakery. Haunted Towns begins in Aug 2017.
Another new paranormal show on the Destination America channel is called Terror In The Woods. It seems to be exactly as the title states. Eyewitnesses share their encounters with ghosts, monsters, and other terrifying phenomena. Terror In The Woods begins Sept 2017.
Ghost Adventures is still here after all these years. Whether or not you like Zak Bagans, it's difficult to argue that he doesn't put on a good show. The GA crew seems to favor brothels and demons. More specifically, demon possessions as most episodes feature at least one cast member acting as if they have no control over their thoughts and behavior.
The weak links of GA would be trucker hats and Billy Tolley. Billy is often visibly uncomfortable in front of the camera, which is painful to watch. His acting is lacking, well, acting skills and he tends to overact because of these shortcomings. With their huge following of loyal fans, Ghost Adventures is sure to continue as long as Zak wants it to. It's kind of hard to believe that just a short time ago Zak Bagans was a wedding DJ.
The weak links of GA would be trucker hats and Billy Tolley. Billy is often visibly uncomfortable in front of the camera, which is painful to watch. His acting is lacking, well, acting skills and he tends to overact because of these shortcomings. With their huge following of loyal fans, Ghost Adventures is sure to continue as long as Zak wants it to. It's kind of hard to believe that just a short time ago Zak Bagans was a wedding DJ.
The Dead Files is still airing despite never actually showing evidence of, well, anything. It's merely a visual account of science fiction short stories. Although Amy Allan isn't really psychic, she is a pretty good actor. She's appeared on other paranormal shows in the past, by herself and with a ghost hunting team, including A Haunting. Interestingly enough, Amy did not proclaim herself to be a physical psychic medium on any of her previous paranormal show appearances. She also stated, while on A Haunting, that she does not believe in demons. But now that she has her own show, there are demons and monsters everywhere!
Her ex-husband Matt is the dude that follows her around with a hand-held camera. He's never had any real purpose on the show since at least two other camera guys are there filming him filming Amy. But, I have enjoyed watching him try to hide the fact that he's going bald over the last few seasons. He's got a rather fierce comb-over going on. Well, it's more of a comb-forward then slightly over 'do. As far as the overall entertainment value of DF, I'd go with Paranormal Witness or My Haunted House for first-hand storytelling.
*UPDATE* Matt has lost his war with the follicles! Yes, it's true, he has waved the white flag and completely shaved his head. RIP Matt's comb-forward mane, we'll miss you.
Amy is now dating/possibly married to Rob Traegler. Rob just happens to direct DF and has directed other fake paranormal shows like Paranormal State.
Mountain Monsters is technically a 'paranormal' show but they didn't hunt a ghost until this last season. At least I think it was a ghost they were looking for towards the end. Mountain Monsters went from being a fun show to watch while drunk to being a chaotic mess of random dangerous gun toting folks, Bigfoot creatures with odd nicknames, phantom women wandering around aimlessly, secret codes and ransom notes, Halloween masked men, a plethora of arguments and physical fights, drunken rednecks building bonfires, and a lot of bandanas.
There's not much more to write about because I can honestly tell you, I have no idea what's going on or why. I do know, something stronger than alcohol will be needed for next season.
The Lowe Files begins Aug 2017. Actor Rob Lowe and his two sons go on adventures across the country to find ghosts, Bigfoot and the Boogeyman. It seems to me that this show is just copying Haunted Highway, which should have never been canceled. We shall see.
Evil Things is another new paranormal show on The Learning Channel. The premise seems to be about ''possessed'' items. It will be a first-person storytelling show with two stories per episode beginning in Sept 2017.

Paranormal Lockdown is Nick Groff's latest attempt to take the spotlight away from Zak Bagans. His castmate, Katrina Weidman, was formerly on Paranormal State, which was canceled after several lawsuits by clients claiming Ryan Buell (and cast/including Chip Coffey & Katrina) fabricated much, if not all, of their stories.
Nick's previous show was called Ghost Stalkers, which was arguably the worst paranormal show to date with its blatant fakery, over-the-top dramatized scenes, Chad screaming and freaking out every 2 seconds and really bad acting.
As with Ghost Brothers, all of Nick Groff's attempts have also fallen victim to poor editing and ridiculous staging. At one point during an episode of Paranormal Lockdown, Nick and Katrina are walking around in the middle of the day and Nick tells her to hurry and switch the cameras to night vision before they check out a noise. Why do you need night vision in the middle of the day? Because it's a hundred times easier to fake 'evidence' and scenes when the viewer can't see what's really going on. The guest appearance by one of the biggest frauds in the field Grant Wilson (Ghost Hunters) didn't help to ''legitimize'' the show.
The premise of Paranormal Lockdown was originally Nick and Katrina, by themselves, at a location for three days. However, they have at least one camera guy with them which was obvious from the start. Subsequently, the promos have since abandoned the 'just the two of us alone' spiel. The duo rarely investigates anything during the morning or afternoon, unless going with night vision to fool you, so what is the point of sleeping there exactly? It doesn't appear that either one of these ''paranormal investigators'' has learned anything from the past other than how to lie better. Which obviously works since networks keep hiring them.
Ghosts Of Shepherdstown is another Nick Groff fantasy that has shockingly been renewed. It's almost as absurd as Ghost Stalkers. The viewers are led to believe that the show encompasses an entire town and its residents, all of whom apparently call 911 when they see a ghost. Seems reasonable, right? I know I always call 911 when I have paranormal activity. The only time I call Ghost Hunters is when I have plumbing issues.
Shepherdstown is hands down the most fabricated paranormal show. This ''non-scripted'' reality show is most definitely scripted. Actors are also used as well as Nick's infamous fakery, which you can see in the videos above and below plus via this article HERE. Elizabeth Saint is his sidekick and also a professional actor. Let me put my 'surprised' face on, not. Ghosts Of Shepherdstown is reminiscent of a low-budget grad student's thesis film project but not nearly as interesting.
There's not much more to write about because I can honestly tell you, I have no idea what's going on or why. I do know, something stronger than alcohol will be needed for next season.
The Lowe Files begins Aug 2017. Actor Rob Lowe and his two sons go on adventures across the country to find ghosts, Bigfoot and the Boogeyman. It seems to me that this show is just copying Haunted Highway, which should have never been canceled. We shall see.
Evil Things is another new paranormal show on The Learning Channel. The premise seems to be about ''possessed'' items. It will be a first-person storytelling show with two stories per episode beginning in Sept 2017.

Paranormal Lockdown is Nick Groff's latest attempt to take the spotlight away from Zak Bagans. His castmate, Katrina Weidman, was formerly on Paranormal State, which was canceled after several lawsuits by clients claiming Ryan Buell (and cast/including Chip Coffey & Katrina) fabricated much, if not all, of their stories.
Nick's previous show was called Ghost Stalkers, which was arguably the worst paranormal show to date with its blatant fakery, over-the-top dramatized scenes, Chad screaming and freaking out every 2 seconds and really bad acting.
As with Ghost Brothers, all of Nick Groff's attempts have also fallen victim to poor editing and ridiculous staging. At one point during an episode of Paranormal Lockdown, Nick and Katrina are walking around in the middle of the day and Nick tells her to hurry and switch the cameras to night vision before they check out a noise. Why do you need night vision in the middle of the day? Because it's a hundred times easier to fake 'evidence' and scenes when the viewer can't see what's really going on. The guest appearance by one of the biggest frauds in the field Grant Wilson (Ghost Hunters) didn't help to ''legitimize'' the show.
The premise of Paranormal Lockdown was originally Nick and Katrina, by themselves, at a location for three days. However, they have at least one camera guy with them which was obvious from the start. Subsequently, the promos have since abandoned the 'just the two of us alone' spiel. The duo rarely investigates anything during the morning or afternoon, unless going with night vision to fool you, so what is the point of sleeping there exactly? It doesn't appear that either one of these ''paranormal investigators'' has learned anything from the past other than how to lie better. Which obviously works since networks keep hiring them.
Shepherdstown is hands down the most fabricated paranormal show. This ''non-scripted'' reality show is most definitely scripted. Actors are also used as well as Nick's infamous fakery, which you can see in the videos above and below plus via this article HERE. Elizabeth Saint is his sidekick and also a professional actor. Let me put my 'surprised' face on, not. Ghosts Of Shepherdstown is reminiscent of a low-budget grad student's thesis film project but not nearly as interesting.
It's the sheer laziness of the Head of Development that keeps these notorious frauds in the paranormal field employed. The networks bank on the name and really don't care that the shows are garbage. Unless a network, along with their Head of Development, decides to stray from the tired old formula and format of ghost hunting shows, the future looks bleak for the genre.
Watching cast members stop in the middle of investigating to talk directly to the camera and reiterate what we just watched and heard, is not only stale but beyond tedious. New ideas and new formats are needed for paranormal investigative shows to continue entertaining the masses. Which brings us to the land of the Internet webseries as an alternative:
If you're tired of the same old ghost hunting shows on television starring overly religious straight people, you should tune into the LGBT version on the Internet called Queer Ghost Hunters. It features real people, real ghosts and it's really gay. This ghost hunting group is based out of Ohio. The webseries is quirky and a bit cheesy at times, but entertaining none the less. Unfortunately, the voiceover announcer (and his accent) is rather annoying and seems out of place. However, if you can get past that oddity you may find the informative history side of the show to be quite interesting.
Some of the team's adventures include traveling to a former convent to chat with lesbian nuns, contacting the ghosts of young gay prisoners incarcerated for sodomy in the 1900s and visiting with the spirits of gay patients in asylums that were placed there due to their sexual preference. Perhaps this docuseries, and others like it, will open the eyes of television networks and we'll get new and inclusive paranormal TV shows in the near future. Queer Ghost Hunters season 2 has just begun on their Youtube channel.
Some of the team's adventures include traveling to a former convent to chat with lesbian nuns, contacting the ghosts of young gay prisoners incarcerated for sodomy in the 1900s and visiting with the spirits of gay patients in asylums that were placed there due to their sexual preference. Perhaps this docuseries, and others like it, will open the eyes of television networks and we'll get new and inclusive paranormal TV shows in the near future. Queer Ghost Hunters season 2 has just begun on their Youtube channel.
If you're like me and find holding your breath for new and original paranormal programming to be an exercise in futility, let's skip down the yellow brick road to the days of yesteryear and enjoy some of the best paranormal TV show concepts to date. First up is Scariest Places On Earth starring Linda Blair...
Next we have MTVs Fear...
And, Leonard Nimoy hosting In Search Of...
Written by MH
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Mummified Penis on Display at UK Museum!
A seven-inch long mummified penis valued at £100,000 has gone on display at a British museum. The erect member was taken from a hanged English crook who became aroused as he swung from the gibbet during an 18th century hanging.
Now the Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History, in Hackney, London, has added the penis to its unusual collection of exhibits. Bizarrely erections are common among those...CONTINUE READING
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